The award, is of course, named after one of IU's all time student fan favorites of my era, A.J. Moye. Moye was lovingly called t-shirt by his fans for his practice of often wearing an enormously large t-shirt undeer his jersey during games. And in case you are curious, Moye is now playing for the Walter Tubingen Tigers (this site is worth visiting for the music alone) in Germany. Last season he won Iceland's leage MVP. His player bio page is in German, but I believe it says his favorite movie is The Notebook. Can anyone help me out here? Perhaps I should actually see the movie...Gage and Trout would be happy to know that he is living with last year's leading Boilermaker scorer, Matt Kiefer. Kiefer may not be a good person to lead your team in scoring. But, he makes a great model (notice that he doesn't have a t-shirt, as he is not eligible to win).
If that last image made you feel sick, or perhaps strangely excited, watch this video to get your mind back on the subject at hand.
Seeing that makes me want to riot at Showalter and Kirkwood just one more time... anyway... without further Adu...
Congratulations Jared Jeffries!
You are the first winner of the Honorable T-Shirt award!(and here it is)

It was nice to see you and Eduardo Najera embracing during what I can only imagine was a conversation about his former (and current IU men's) college coach, Kelvin Sampson.
In other news, a nice win for the Hoosiers tonight over Directional Michigan.