First off apparently Lance Stemler has decided to join the rest of Hoosier Nation and read Defend The Rock. I can only imagine his scoring outburst was due to me calling him out.
I only have a few stats for you about this game: 52% from the floor, 44% from 3 point land, and 82% from the line - those precentages will win you games folks, well, when you're making 'em, not giving 'em up.
In honor of Adam Ahlfeld's 1 minute of play, and AWESOME dive into the bench whereupon his fellow Hoosiers literally threw/pushed him back onto the court I hearby announce the Adam Ahlfeld - Team Player Award. While my fellow blogger here on Defend The Rock, Tittle 500, has his own award, mine is completely different. It will go to the #1 team player after each IU game (and this can be for any sport in IU's wide array of athletics).
So without further ado, the inaugural Adam Ahlfeld - Team Player Award goes to:

Adam Ahlfeld
And once again, to make it 100% clear: We here at Defend The Rock love Adam Ahlfeld and the energy and enthusiasm he brings to Hoosier basketball. In no way, shape or form are we trying to make fun or demean him.